

Based on many years of experience, we know that a detailed understanding of the interaction between people, machines, and our purging comounds enhances the effectiveness of our products.

For this reason, we offer free training sessions for operators and users.

These trainings are conducted by our experienced specialists in a comprehensible and practical manner.

Key topics include cleaning screws, hot runners, molds, mixing zones, nozzles, melt pumps, manifolds, etc.

We are happy to address individual questions.

Participants receive a certificate of attendance after completing the seminar.

Please contact us for more information, and we will gladly arrange an appointment with you promptly.

KNABEpolytec bei YouTube

Auf unserem YouTube Kanal sehen Sie interessante Fallstudien zur Reinigung von Spritzgussmaschinen, Blasmaschinen und Extrusionsanlagen und insbesondere zur Schneckenreinigung.


Hier können Sie ein kostenloses Muster anfragen.

Schreiben Sie uns eine kurze Nachricht mit Ihrem Anliegen, wir melden uns umgehend.


    8:00 - 16:00
    Kalckreuthstraße 6, 10777 Berlin