


The new cleaning compound BLITZ PURGE HR sets new standards for material changes through its universal applicability for all materials, temperatures, and now also for hot runners. Its unique cleaning effect not only removes burned material from screws but also from hot runners with small cross-sections.

A deep cleaning of your hot runners will save considerable maintenance costs in the future and generally shorten subsequent purges with natural material, as material or color will no longer deposit on rough surfaces with degraded material residues. As a result, during future changes, neither material nor color will need to be repeatedly flushed out from these hold points.

Thanks to its mechanical, fine polishing effect, BLITZ PURGE HR is completely free of chemical additives and can also be used for products in the cosmetics or food sectors. All ingredients are listed as generally recognized safe substances, making it odorless and safe for users.

Handling is incredibly simple. Users do not need to make any changes to temperatures or other settings and can use it universally for all materials.

There are only two small restrictions for its use:

BLITZ PURGE HR cannot be dosed through screens or filter nozzles. However, if this is overlooked, any blockage in the filter nozzle can generally be easily removed without causing damage.

Hot runner cleaning must only be performed using open tools.


screws & hot runner

Operating temperature


Product strengths

removes carbon build-ups


all polymers

  • BLITZ PURGE HR is simple and universally applicable
  • BLITZ PURGE HR cleans without residence time or process changes
  • BLITZ PURGE HR is odorless, non-abrasive, and can also be used in the food industry
  • BLITZ PURGE HR enables safe shutdown and freezing, ensuring guaranteed quick start-up on Monday.
  • Blitz Purge HR reduces effort and costs for hot runner cleaning.
  • With regular use, Blitz Purge HR can lead to cost savings by being mixed 50:50 with natural material.

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